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Our Mutual Destruction

“What is Human Nature and where will the actions of our species take us Is a new world possible and can our will help us to survive” – Our Mutual Destruction


“Our Mutual Destruction tells the story of Henna, the young daughter of a scientist who was traveling on an expedition across the universe to find a new planet. The story starts with her waking up on the ground as we find out that she has been separated from her ship and crash landed on an abandoned world. She figures out that the only way she can reach communication with Pegasus (the mothership) is to find the wreckage and salvage parts to create a communication booster. On her journey, we get to learn more about the character through his conversations and interactions with the AI system in his helmet (Xero), over time they build a strong bond, but is it strong enough to survive?”

More about the project on Our Mutual Destruction social media

Writer/Director: Jay Mcllhagga

Client: Insert Films

I designed costumes and props for the film's lead.

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